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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sorry, but you just had to be there for this one

Our time here over the past two weeks since we left Bangkok has been spent almost entirely on the beach. This was fine with us, since it's the reason we came to Southern Thailand in the first place, and yet I'm still in awe of how quickly it's passed.

After leaving Bangkok we took an overnight sleeper train to Trang, where we hopped on a bus and a ferry that took us to the island of Koh Lanta. Koh Lanta was the relaxing half of our beach vacation: we literally did nothing for an entire week. It was a beautiful island, one with more tourists on it than locals. There were lots of families, friendly people, and good food, but overall it was extremely quiet and relaxed. Some days we went to the beach. Other days we just stayed inside and read. We spent very little money, which was perfect since we spent way too much in Bangkok. It was a time to recover and renew in preparation for our next stop: Koh Phangan.

How can I describe our time in Koh Pangan? Well, I'd like to say that we saw a lot of cool things. That we had inspired discussions about life with very smart people. That we got great tans and spent lots of time working out and eating healthy... But the fact is we did very little of any of that. We came to Koh Pangan to party, and that my friends is exactly what we did.

The 5 days we spent on Koh Pangan were the most fun five days Inge and I have had in a long time. We stayed at the coolest hostel ever, where everyone was awesome and ready to make new friends. We went out every single night, and every single night brought in more ridiculous stories than the night before. We don't remember all of what happened, but we've got the pictures, scars, bruises, bandaids, and headaches to prove they happened. It all culminated into the well known Full Moon Party, which is one of the biggest parties in the world. Every full moon over 30,000 people (and twenty times that amount of alcohol) gather on a beach and leave when the moon does. All I can say is that you just had to be there to really understand it.

The next few weeks will definitely be just as exciting! We're currently exploring Chiang Mai our last stop in Thailand, but in just a few short days Katheryn Hoerster will be joining us and we will be heading to our next stop: Laos!

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