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Friday, December 20, 2013

Good Eats (1 of ???)

One of our favorite parts of traveling through Southeast Asia so far has been the amazing food available here. Chinese, Indian, Malay... We literally have been eating like kings the past few weeks. In honor of the delicious cuisine and to make you even more jealous, we decided to dedicate this entire blog to some of the best food we've had so far. It is the first of what I'm sure will be many more to come.

Char Kway Teow
A traditionally Malay/Singaporean invention, Char Kway Teow was a dish I'd never heard of. Luckily, Inge was on top of her game and did some research on food before we got here. While at a restaurant one day she ordered this dish, and our taste buds melted with gratitude after the first bite. A dish that consists of fried noodles tossed with seafood and spiced to perfection, you can't do better than this. It's a little on the unhealthy side with all the oil, but the best things in life tend to be don't they?

Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori chicken is a typical Indian dish that almost everyone has heard of before. It isn't too complicated to make: chicken roasted in a special tandoor oven after being marinated in a mixture of yoghurt and spices. Even I knew what it was before coming here and had eaten it before. What no one knows is that you've never REALLY had Tandoori chicken until you come to Asia. The tandoori chicken we've had on the streets here is better than any I've had before, and it's become a staple of our diet here (we tend to go to an Indian restaurant about once a day).

Coconut Milkshake

Milkshakes can be found everywhere, but it's rare you find one that surprises you. I hate coconut, so when Inge suggested we try this I was a bit skeptical. All it took was one sip for me to realize just how much I'd misjudged this drink. Only really found in Melaka, the locals somehow managed to transform the simple ingredients of milk, ice cream, and coconut into something truly magical.

Hot Pot

One potato, two potato... Wait this dish has nothing to do with potatoes. Instead, hot pot is one of the best stews I've ever had. Originally from Mongolia but spread by the Chinese, this dish has made it's way to any town that has a Chinatown. A little on the expensive side, this dish consists of a main pot of stewed seafood that is accompanied by rice, vegetables, meats, and pretty much whatever else your heart desires. It's impossible to describe this with words other than "amazing," "delicious," and "mouth-watering," so we suggest you try this meal for yourself if you want to know what it tastes like.

Western Food

Now I know what you're thinking... How can we possibly be visiting Pizza Hut when we're surrounded by all this delicious food? We're a bit ashamed of us too. But hey, we've lived abroad for over two years now. We miss the grease and high calories that define American cuisine. Cut us some slack, ok?


  1. OK I'm going to guess the five but I feel like yall gave us a freebie. So here goes...
    Pizza Hut
    Burger King
    Taco Bell (??? I'm really reaching on this now.)

  2. Pretty close Grete! It depends on what numbers you look at. The ones we decided to use to measure international success was to look at the number of international restauraunts. According to those figures, the list goes:

    1. McDonald's - 18,710 restaurants
    2. KFC - 11,798
    3. Subway - 10,109
    4. Pizza Hut - 5,890
    5. Starbucks - 5,727

    Burger King, Domino's, Dunkin Donuts aren't too far behind. But they definitely don't compare to these five.

  3. ooo I wasn't even thinking of coffee chains. Starbucks is everywhere so that makes sense.
